In the Saló del Tinellet, light becomes the brush that draws the “extended shadows” and moulds our perception of reality. Here, the plants that surround us in our everyday lives are gigantic, filling the space and becoming something extraordinary.

The change in scale of the vegetation transports visitors to a world where the physical reference points are confused with the projected ones, creating a place that inspires awe. Moreover, this effect means we can observe the details of their structures and forms, as if we were using a botanist’s magnifying glass.

In this installation, the act of seeing becomes pure illusion and eagerness.

Massimiliano Moro


Massimiliano Moro, who lives and works between Lugano (Switzerland) and Barcelona, explores the relationship between light and shadow to create new visual equilibriums. He uses artificial shadows to create a difference between what we know and what we see, breaking the structures that support our beliefs. Through spatial works, he creates small, intimate worlds that open up intangible spaces for reflection. His work centres around highlighting the act of seeing and showing its beauty and fragility.

Massimiliano has a professional diploma in Sculptural Techniques and a degree in Art and Design, both from the Escola Massana, (Barcelona). He has participated in festivals such as LlumBcn (Barcelona), Jardins de Llum (Manresa) and Light Art Grindelwald (Switzerland). He has also shown his work in individual and collective exhibitions in various countries (including Switzerland, Spain, Italy, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, China). Among these was the itinerate exhibition “Tom Carr. Echoes of Carles Buïgas”, which was shown in the Museu de Tortosa in 2014.