
Wishes flying around because they need to find their place and become visible, ambitions that are formed and need to be realised, desires that are held, sought after and finally realised, dreams that fight to stop being dreams and become a reality, objectives that end up being priorities, interests that become important, passions that move us and make us feel alive.

In other cultures, when these wishes, ambitions, objectives, interests, passions, dreams and desires arise they are thrown to the winds: they set them free. Why not us?

The work seeks to be a mechanism to spread out all the force, energy, confidence and determination that so often is hidden in corners and is lost, above all in the youngest ones. It is an allegory to the life and freedom that accumulates in children. An excitement that, in this case, they will be able to spread out without any given direction but with their hopes intact.

Organised by A Cel Obert and pupils from schools in Tortosa


An installation designed by the festival organisers and created with the collaboration of pupils from Col·legi Diocesà Sagrada Família, Escola Cinta Curto, Institut Dertosa, Escola de Ferreries, Escola la Mercè, Escola de Sant Llàtzer, Institut Cristòfol Despuig and Institut-Escola Daniel Mangrané