L’ombra del temps
The work, “L’ombra del temps” (The Shadow of Time), magnifies the very own space that makes up the courtyard, without disturbing it. It highlights the moment, following the trail of time by the shadow cast inside the courtyard of the Episcopal Palace, marked by the ringing of the bells of the Cathedral of Santa Maria every hour. This synergy between the Palace and the Cathedral, through the footprint of both sun and sound, allows us to represent time through the language of shadows.
Josep Oriol Solé Vilàs and Ferran Margalef i Cortiada

Josep Oriol Solé Vilàs was born in 1981 in Barcelona. He studied at La Salle School of Architecture, Ramon Llull University of Barcelona. Through the Sert School, he complements his training with different postgraduate courses in rehabilitation and landscaping.
An architect who has been working professionally since 2010 in the fields of building and urban planning, he has carried out various projects in the private and public spheres and has collaborated with other architectural and engineering firms. In 2014, he founded the Projectelab studio together with two colleagues where he currently concentrates his professional activity.
Ferran Margalef i Cortiada (born in Tivissa, 1983) is qualified as an architect and technical architect from La Salle School of Architecture in Barcelona. He combines professional activity and teaching with the pleasure of cultivating olive trees, carob trees and vineyards.