
Feeling that life takes shape, becomes consistent and is modelled to adopt unforeseeable forms. That it follows a path that is neither flat, nor continuous, nor easy. We rather travel it with its ups and downs, in a delirious way, taking advantage of the journeys, changing them into opportunities, instead of following whole routes, in a calm and leisurely way.

Everything we hear in the “meanwhile” has a name and a surname. We analyse all the feelings we experience: we filter, we soften, we explain and we pass them through our own personal filter. We make them great, and they grow inside us, they surround us, and they invade us. What happens is that the intensity of this filter is proportional to the perception that we individually have of it.

The work represents this winding and encouraging road that becomes great, intense, and fulfils us as people. It takes over the space, and it evokes how we feel it and we make it ours: the courtyard and the path of life.

Organised by A Cel Obert and pupils from schools in Tortosa


An installation designed by the festival organisers and created with the collaboration of pupils from Col·legi Diocesà Sagrada Família, Escola Cinta Curto, Escola El Temple, Escola de Ferreries, Escola la Mercè, Escola de Remolins, Escola de Sant Llàtzer, Institut Cristòfol Despuig, Institut Dertosa, Institut-Escola Daniel Mangrané and Institut Les Planes.