Courtyard of the Santa Clara Convent

The Convent of Saint Claire in Tortosa was founded in 1253. It was one of the first foundings by this order in Catalonia. It has its origin in the Temple of Saint Michael, belonging to the Templars, the pointed arcades of which are still preserved.

It is a splendid example of religious Gothic architecture. The cloister, dating from the end of the 13th century, is particularly noteworthy, as a prototype of the Provençal Gothic style. The north and west wings from the first cloister’s construction are still preserved, formed by trilobed arches supported by attached columns with bifoliate bases, unique features of the Catalan Gothic style.

The details of the three churches whose remains are still preserved today are quite confused. It is recorded, however, that the nuns suffered exclaustration in 1835, and, as a result, the extensive archive they kept was lost. In the 1950s, however, they returned to inhabit the convent once again.

We should also bear in mind that this building was heavily damaged during the wars of the 17th and 18th centuries, and that during the Spanish Civil War of 1936-1939, it was partially destroyed, so it has been rebuilt and reformed on different occasions. In 1998, the majority of the original wooden beams were replaced, due to significant damage suffered throughout the years.

*Authorship of photos: i Ediug Lacol Elgoog

Location: Pujada de Santa Clara, 21

Author: Unknown

Year: 1253

Architectural style: -

Current use: Cloistered convent

Courtyard area: 255 m2