The intervention “Entrecintat” (Episcopal Palace) consists of generating three hyperbolic paraboloids, a quadratic surface that has the peculiarity of being curved despite being made out of straight lines: the ribbons themselves.
These three surfaces of red, ochre and green, like the polychrome ceilings of the palace, bring the colours from the inside to the outside of the courtyard and re-shape the space giving new boundaries that invite the visitor to walk inside it, in a helical ascending way, similarly to the episcopal cloisters that evoke the ascension to heaven as spaces for reflection.
The different points of view that are presented as you climb the stairs allow you to see how the new regulated surfaces, each one of a different colour, overlap with each other offering new textures and colours. However, it is different to observe them from the entrance of the courtyard, backlit and looking at the sky, than to observe them from a higher position, once you have climbed the stairs.
Elena Justo, Usue Belandina, Mikel Pau Casado, Marc Fernández, Teresa Gómez-Fabra and Marta Morató

Elena Justo, Usue Belandina, Mikel Pau Casado, Marc Fernández, Teresa Gómez-Fabra and Marta Morató are the members of the team that makes up the “Entrecintat” (Interwoven) project.
Elena Justo Massot is from Lleida. She has been an architect, having graduated from the ETSAB, since February 2015. Her professional activity is linked to bioconstruction through the working group “Arq2o, arquitectura conscienciada” of which she is a founding member.
Usue Belandia Erauzkin, born in Vitoria, has also been an architect, having graduated from the ETSAB, since February 2015. She has worked with Arriola Fiol and Map13. She is currently a freelance architect and self-taught photographer.
Mikel Pau Casado Buesa, from Tudela and recently graduated in Architecture from the ETSAB. He has participated in the “History and Critique” courses at Menéndez Pelayo International University.
Marc Fernández González, from Mollet del Vallès, has been an architect, having graduated from the ETSAB, since November 2014. He participated in the design and construction of a housing prototype in Ndjoré, Cameroon. Today he works in Barcelona collaborating with Nayach, an architecture firm.
Teresa Gomez-Fabra Gala, from Castellón de la Plana, obtained her degree in Architecture from the ETSAB in July 2014. She was a member of the team of the Urban Master Plan (PDU) during the preparation of the exhibition “Metropolis Barcelona” and continues working as an architect in the same team of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona.
Marta Morató Contreras is from El Prat de Llobregat. She is finishing her studies in architecture at the ETSAB but also works in the town planning department of El Prat de Llobregat City Council and is a part-time craftswoman. She has been trained in citizen participation through the Taller Libre de Proyecto Social, within which she was the coordinator of a field group during her stay in Buenos Aires.
Together they are weaving a space, among friends, that aims to follow the dynamics of self-education followed in the school of architecture within the ESFA student association, of which all of them have been members. Their main interests are self-management, bioconstruction and sustainability, collective architectural practices and citizen participation, linked to social reality.