Installation developed at the Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Valencia.
Do you remember the thrill of trying chewing gum for the first time? Its texture softens and the consistency turns soft and flexible. The gum becomes elastic, it expands, deforms and adapts.
This patio lies in the historic quarter of Tortosa, where the demographic changes have eradicated the habit of playing in the street. The students of EASD València want to bring back the liveliness and the street game so they have installed a gigantic pink bubble gum.
The piece is designed to provoke excitement, surprise and curiosity. It is an installation with constant movement and change thanks to the actions of visitors.
Come into this pink landscape and play, manipulate, pull and stretch. Or, as the title says, estira-T – stretch out or stretch yourself.
Students of EASD València

This installation was designed by second and third year students studying Interiors and Products at the Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de València (EASD València). Having studied Ephemeral Architecture in their second year and with the experience acquired through designing and constructing various installations at the school, the students were keen to resolve this piece.
Authors of the installation: Alejandro Garrido González, Aaron López Molas, Emilia Mayorca Benarroch, Sofía Milian Hernández, Héctor Montes Nicolás, Stefania Aylen Santiago, Raquel Valladolid Belmar.
Guiding professors: Lara Llop Font, Carmen Martínez Gregori, Laura Pons Aznar.