The theme of the eleventh edition of the A Cel Obert festival, corresponding to the year 2024, is intensity.

Intensity is a vector that grades the level of a message or a relationship. Sound and light, from a physical point of view, but also attraction or rejection, sentimentally speaking. It grades affinity or animosity from a social point of view, and love, warmth and affection between people.

Within this spectrum of possibilities we receive a message that can be positive, enthusiastic, passionate and exalted, or also negative, soft, rational and conformist.

Intensity is, in conclusion, a regulator of the power between conceptual, physical, sentimental, social or personal relationships.

1 [ U ] The quality of being felt strongly or having a very strong effect.

2 [ C or U ] The strength of something that can be measured such as light, sound, etc.

3 [ U ] The quality of being very serious and having strongemotions or opinions.

Cambridge Dictionary, Cambridge University Press, https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/intensity. Accessed 11 Mar. 2024.

Vitrall - Pere Socias, Cristina Soler and Núria Oromí.
La dansa de les flors - Tecnoateneu de Vilablareix
El Eco del Silencio - Paulino Poveda and Ana Príncipe
La magnitud dels sentits - Elisabeth Roig and Maria Castells (ESARDI).
Hugin - Braian Vancells, Bianca Voina and Younes Yahyioui (EADR).
Una finestra al cel - Ivan Armora, Xavier Castaño, Pol Lucena, Ronald Riedel, Llatzer Roig and Tomàs Segovia (ETSA-URV).
Clickbait - Gonzalo Álvarez, Lucas Jiménez, Pedro León and Pablo Martínez.
Sopla, vivo te lo doy - Lourdes Peñaranda
Al punto - John Davidson
Festa Blava - Elías Barczuk and Samuel Laguarta.
A tu amparo - Izaskun Chinchilla
Territoris d’habitabilitat - Arenas Posibles (Montserrat Cuesta and Sergi Ramírez) and Oscar Rodríguez.
Esclat - Students from various nursery, primary, secondary and baccalaureate schools in Terres de l'Ebre.