La dansa de les flors

La dansa de les flors (The Dance of the Flowers) is a collaborative project featuring a garden of mechanical flowers, electronically controlled, that presents a display of movement, light, and color in sync with music.

The project has been developed following the maker philosophy. Among other things, Arduino boards, Neopixel LEDs, 3D printing, and Wi-Fi technology have been used.

The work aims to inspire new generations, as many of the tools and techniques used in this installation can be found in STEAM classrooms in educational institutions.

Lluís Vilarrubies, Idoia Torrent, Dani Rovira, Jordi Molas, Bernat Masó, Anton M. Masó, Antoni Martorano, Lluís Llimargas, Pau Llauger, Ruben Guerrero, Martí Fàbregas, David Colomer, Esteve Camós, Josep Bosch, Joan Boladeras and Jordi Beringues (Tecnoateneu de Vilablareix).


The Tecnoateneu of Vilablareix is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering knowledge and promoting technological development within its community.