The desire to know is as unstoppable as its emergence is inevitable. In previous centuries, this fervent curiosity was forbidden and persecuted, but the legitimate desire to understand and discover always ends up finding a way.

That is why when we walk into a courtyard and see our vision blocked, and when we can only glimpse the sky from a few corners, we are overcome by the temptation to want to see everything and get around the obstacle that is preventing us from doing so. Unaffected, a demiurgical device that has taken a suprematist form through geometry, protecting us from the elements but also obscuring our vision, blurring the sky, oppressing us.

We have to climb the stairs to emerge and see the rain; to see the complete picture and understand, in short, through curiosity.

Gerard Bertomeu, Pep Tornabell and Enrique Soriano


CODA (Computational Design Affairs) is an architecture and engineering firm founded by Gerard Bertomeu, Pep Tornabell and Enrique Soriano, which works in geometry, construction and computing. The team focuses on reducing our environmental footprint and aim to create lightweight and efficient systems through sustainable means, pushing the boundaries of form-finding, both physical and digital, through computer design.

One of the fields they have worked in the most is that of elastic structures, known as Active bending structures. These structures are created from economic, flat and straight elements that acquire their shape and rigidity during the construction process. CODA has built in Norway, Hungary and Spain and taught classes in Austria, Sweden and Korea, among others.

Gerard, from Tortosa, qualified as an architect at UPC and is now a professor in the Department of Geometry of ETSAV-UPC. He has carried out his work and research in energy analysis, automation, data management, computer design and optimisation.

Pep, from Barcelona, qualified as an architect at UPC, obtaining a PhD from the UPC LiTA Laboratory of Innovation and Technology in Architecture, and is now a teacher in the Massana College of Art and Design. He has carried out his work and research in structural analysis, computer design, digital manufacturing and specialist wood craft technologies.

Enrique, from Alicante, qualified as an architect at UPC, obtaining a PhD from the UPC LiTA Laboratory of Innovation and Technology in Architecture, and is now a teacher in the Department of Geometry of ETSAV-UPC. He has carried out his work and research in form-finding, computer design, architectural geometry and optimisation.