The proposal is based on a free representation of the war between the Principality of Catalonia and King Joan over the death of Prince Carlos. This representation appears in narrative in the “Col·loqui quint” (the fifth Colloquium) of the book Los Col·loquis de la insigne ciutat de Tortosa (Colloquia on the Distinguished City of Tortosa) and happened in the very same courtyard of the Despuig Palace. So, a few centuries ago, in this very place, three characters were discussing war and betrayals.
The work leaves no room for doubts. Two armies facing off, 90 daggers against 90 daggers, ready to attack their adversary in a movement frozen in time.
Jordi Hidalgo Tané

Jordi Hidalgo Tané, born in Olot, is an architect and professor of Girona University, as well as the author of an outstanding architectural work that is characterised by the use of clear gestures without ambiguities, in which force and poetry are based on the search for essential solutions. An architecture integrated into the landscape in a way that is both delicate and poetic, expressing the essence of the concept and the condition of being in the place by using the expressivity of the structure and the materials, understood as the essential elements of the architectural configuration.
His work has been selected for different exhibitions, both in Europe and in the United States, and has been recognised with numerous awards at both national and international level. He has given various conferences and has published in national and international magazines.