El Cel a la Terra

The project “El Cel a la Terra”, located in the courtyard of the Convent of La Puríssima, talks about earthly existence and divine aspirations, inherent to human beings from their beginnings. The Christian tradition places the origin and destiny of humanity in a heavenly paradise beyond time and space. It is no coincidence that the convents have a central opening in the form of a courtyard, so heaven and divinity are present in the enclosed architectural space of these buildings.

Through the projected installation, Heaven descends to Earth. Everyone can see their face reflected in the midst of the Promised Land and place themselves between Heaven and Earth.


Rebeca Royo Andreu is the author of “El Cel a la Terra” (Heaven on Earth). She is from Tortosa and studied Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona and Philosophy at the UNED (The National Distance Education University); she has participated in various photography and painting competitions since 2007, several of which she has won. The Prize in the XXVIIIth Fast Painting Competition in Horta de Sant Joan this 2014 stands out among them.

She has been part of the European exchange program for young artists, Youthpass for Youth – Exchanges “LIVE THE CITY” Spain-Italy 2008, as well as participated in various exhibitions, both individually and collectively.